Flooding at Très Chic
Everyone knows the saying “when it rains it pours” and Très Chic has been experiencing that literally. A broken roof combined with multiple days of pouring rain in the West University and Upper Kirby area has led to some major issues. Not to mention this whole issue went down right in the middle of our big CRAZY sale!
But don’t worry, we are still open! Here at Très Chic we don’t let a minor disaster get us down! As Susan Hancock infamously says “this too shall pass”. We took the dry merchandise and store fixtures and got to work! Just like when the boutique first opened over 16 years ago, it is back in the lobby. If you have been shopping with Très Chic from the beginning you may still remember this set up. Stop by the store to support us during this trying time and enjoy the sentimentality of the old set up!

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